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GCzII Downloader [EN] geoSheep forum / GCzII Downloader [EN] /

cache Download dosn´t work

Autor diekin
#1 | Zasláno: 30 Čvn 2012 09:23
I have Problems to download Cachees from Geocaching.com. The search works but if I try to Download the GCzII Downloader shows following Errormessage:

There were problems while processing these items:
- size

Can someone help me?
Autor jenda^^
#2 | Zasláno: 2 Čvc 2012 12:32
Yep, I can help you I updated definitions. App should update automatically after running. If not, use Help - Check for updates
Autor diekin
#3 | Zasláno: 2 Čvc 2012 17:31
Hi jenda.

Thanks for your fast reply.
I have update the Downloader and some Caches were downloaded, but some caches (roundabout every third) break with the Errormessage.
Can you fix this problem?

Autor diekin
#4 | Zasláno: 2 Čvc 2012 21:50
Hi again.

At first: I´m better in german as in english.... Sorry for that

Let´s try:
It was my fault that I tell you that the downloader do not download caches. It had do it.
I compared the downloaded Caches with the Caches on geocaching.com and see that GC.com had change the Cachesize-Name fom Regular to Medium - at all caches with the error-Message. Perhapst that is the (simple) problem?

Many thanks for your support!! Your work keeps GCZII alive !!!
Autor jenda^^
#5 | Zasláno: 2 Čvc 2012 22:00
I'm not sure if I understand... You mean it downloads caches but sometime/every time they have incorrect size in GCzII?

Anyway do you have your profile on GC.com switched to English language? Otherwise Downloader doesn't work properly.
Autor diekin
#6 | Zasláno: 2 Čvc 2012 23:56
Some extent.
The Downloader download all caches.
At (or by?) the download they give the errormessage at all Caches with the size "medium".
In the downloaded list there is no sign for the size at all Caches with the size "medium"

Perhaps the Problem is that the downloader want to download Caches with the Size "regular" what´s the Name of the Size before "medium"?

Hope it is better to understand.......

p.s.: My language at GC.com is English.
Autor ldmexplorer
#7 | Zasláno: 9 Zář 2012 11:06
Autor ldmexplorer
#8 | Zasláno: 9 Zář 2012 11:11 | Změnil(a): ldmexplorer
Yep, I can help you I updated definitions. App should update automatically after running. If not, use Help - Check for updates

Many thanks Jenda for this update ... I made several caches with the best Geocaching application for Windows Mobile (GCzII) and it's yet only possible because of your great app which is still able to download full caches info from GeoCaching website !
GCzII Downloader [EN] geoSheep forum / GCzII Downloader [EN] / cache Download dosn´t work Nahoru
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