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Html code in text

Autor feldhosn
#1 | Zasláno: 16 Čvc 2011 13:44
When downloading caches it seems, that html code characters are not converted. For example,
in downloaded file (GC2G037):

<GCz_cache_title>You've got Mail - Bärnbach</GCz_cache_title>
but should be
<GCz_cache_title>You've got Mail - Bärnbach</GCz_cache_title>

My language at geochaching.com is english, my desktop uses german language.


Autor feldhosn
#2 | Zasláno: 18 Čvc 2011 17:28
This is the downloaded String: (forum software converted the html codes...)

<pre><GCz_cache_title>You've got Mail - Bärnbach</GCz_cache_title></pre>
but should be
<GCz_cache_title>You've got Mail - Bärnbach</GCz_cache_title>


Autor feldhosn
#3 | Zasláno: 18 Čvc 2011 17:32
I post the string with spaces...

<GCz_cache_title>You & # 3 9 ; ve got Mail - B & # 2 2 8 ; rnbach</GCz_cache_title>
Autor jenda^^
#4 | Zasláno: 12 Srp 2011 12:55
I know about this. Maybe I'll try to fix it in future, but I'm not sure how to do it (I don't want to make complete conversion table with "&#39;" => "'" and so...)
GCzII Downloader [EN] geoSheep forum / GCzII Downloader [EN] / Html code in text Nahoru
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