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GCzII Tool [EN] geoSheep forum / GCzII Tool [EN] /

Downloading Maps

Autor Guest
#1 | Zasláno: 23 Kvě 2011 09:31

Thank you for this great tool.

I would like to download the maps for whole Europe (or germany) to use GCzII Tool offline when caching. Is there a place where I can download these maps?
What do I have to do to store (format, location)?


Autor jenda^^
#2 | Zasláno: 24 Kvě 2011 16:55
You can download it manually using same urls as maps.google.com.
I don't think there's any simple way to download it now...

But I hope I'm going to create map downloader for PC in future.
Autor Guest
#3 | Zasláno: 25 Kvě 2011 23:36
Thanks for your reply

Just a wish for future releases:
It would be great if I could zoom into map instead of using back and selecting a different scale factor.

Second wish:
When turning GPS on the map should be centered to my position. If this is a feature right now it seems not to function on my phone (or do I have to make changes in the settings?)

By the way: I like your cache downloader very much too..
Autor elcalimero
#4 | Zasláno: 13 Lis 2011 09:21
Tanks for this great program.
a fiu days ago, my GCzII tool, start with a error and crash.
i already re install the program but without success.

(boolean value; String args; eventargs; nullexception)

Any idea for help me?

Bets regard
Autor jenda^^
#5 | Zasláno: 13 Lis 2011 11:06
I heard about these errors but it never happened to me. Possible solution might be navigating to GCzTool directory in Program Files and deleting GCzTool.xml file. You'll lose your configuration but it is probably already corrupted and it should work again then.
Autor elcalimero
#6 | Zasláno: 14 Lis 2011 18:27

going to triy

Autor elcalimero
#7 | Zasláno: 15 Lis 2011 09:19
It s work thanks.

is possible to insert a track of the route, previously made by someone else?
Autor jenda^^
#8 | Zasláno: 15 Lis 2011 16:31
No, GCzII Tool doesn't support any kind of routes, tracks, GPS logging etc.
Autor elcalimero
#9 | Zasláno: 15 Lis 2011 19:26

too bad
Thanks anyway
Autor Guest
#10 | Zasláno: 30 Lis 2011 10:37
Well done. This is a great piece of software!
Working OK with HTC HD2 - Windows Mobile 6.5 pro - Artemis ROM
Thanks a lot!
Autor ajf
#11 | Zasláno: 12 Pro 2011 16:15
Thanks for that excelent tool!!!

I know that is not your main objective, but if GCzII is discontinued forever I think you would good to integrate more features from GCzII - GCzIItools.

What kind of text should I enter in ...

"Map {name}"} {{max zoom image tile coordinate format} {type} {http address} [ref: http referer {}]

To download the google satellite maps ?

Thank you again.
Autor jenda^^
#12 | Zasláno: 13 Pro 2011 13:15
You don't need to enter anything. GCzII Tool supports Google Satellite Map "from the box". Just select it in dropdown menu on the bottom of map screen.
GCzII Tool [EN] geoSheep forum / GCzII Tool [EN] / Downloading Maps Nahoru
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