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[info] Development news

Autor jenda^^
#1 | Zasláno: 11 Říj 2011 17:12 | Změnil(a): jenda^^
I decided to let you know something info about progress on GCT.
I took break for few months but now I'm working on GCT again and I'm trying to implement and fix some suggestions you've sent me.
Many of you ware missing switching map type and zoom directly on map display. I edited it and it looks pretty nice. But I have to solve problems with focus on these controls (pressing arrow keys moves map but also switches between these controls).

There also were some requests for ability to download multiple map types and zooms at once. I started working on this today and I hope it won't be problem to finish it (I must edit some functions which work only with single map type and zoom now).

Map and its type and zoom options are now on same screen Downloading multiple map types and zooms

The functionality I missed most was sound signal when I'm near cache. It's very handy e.g. when you walk on straight road and you know that there's cache hidden somewhere next to it - you dont need to check your phone constantly.
So I made even two types of voice signal!
One beeps when you move close to cache (under set distance).
Second one works like some kind of radar. It beeps repeatedly when you're near cache and it repeats faster as you're closer to cache. (I noticed that it beeps even when I shut down display using power button but there are problems with intervals between beeps then. )

And I also made some changes in map rendering to run faster.

I hope I'll be able to release next version soon.
Autor jenda^^
#2 | Zasláno: 6 Lis 2011 21:57 | Změnil(a): jenda^^
There were lot of request to download maps for GCzII Tool on desktop computer. Initially, I wanted to create second application for downloading map on PC. But then, I think of that mobile apps can run on PC too. So I made few small changes on mobile application and now, it can be run on PC too. You just connect your phone as mass storage and run GCzIITool from its memory card!

GCzII Tool on desktop computer

You also can export whole map with caches as image file and then for example print on the paper.

I'm almost satisfied with my work on this tool and now I'm fine-tuning last details. Next version of GCzII Tool will hopefully be released in 2 weeks.
GCzII Tool [EN] geoSheep forum / GCzII Tool [EN] / [info] Development news Nahoru
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