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Just what I needed

Autor firmware
#1 | Zasláno: 5 Kvě 2011 22:10
This is a great app! I was looking for something exactly like this before my trip down to the Everglades. I knew I would be out of cell-phone range for most of my trip, but I still wanted to use Google maps (and if I had time visit 1 or more of the Virtual caches).

Works great on my LG CT810 Incite running wm6.1 !

I hope I get a chance to escape civilisation again soon and put it to the test.

Thank you so much,
- firmware (Mike)
Autor jenda^^
#2 | Zasláno: 9 Kvě 2011 18:10
Thank you too. I'm glad you like it and my app works fine on you phone

I'm trying to learn C# programming by myself for about 3 months, so I know that there are many bugs and stability issues.
Autor majkeljj
#3 | Zasláno: 12 Kvě 2011 10:25
GCz is a great app, but in Poland we rather use opencaching. it is possible to make this app to work with both?
Autor jenda^^
#4 | Zasláno: 12 Kvě 2011 10:39
I'm not autor of GCzII. And I don't think that he will make it work for OC.
He already sold his WM phone and he only updates GCzII to work with changes on GC.com
Autor Guest
#5 | Zasláno: 16 Kvě 2011 18:03
Hi i downloaded yesterday the app on my htc hd mini and it work.
Can i download the maps on my PC and copy to my phone?
Thanks a lot for the app, great job.
Autor jenda^^
#6 | Zasláno: 18 Kvě 2011 20:52
I hope it will be possible in near future. I'd like to create some simple application for downloading maps on PC.
GCzII Tool [EN] geoSheep forum / GCzII Tool [EN] / Just what I needed Nahoru
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