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GCzII Downloader [EN] geoSheep forum / GCzII Downloader [EN] /

Could you please confirm some features ?

Autor ldmexplorer
#1 | Zasláno: 26 Říj 2011 23:20
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As you may now GCzII is now "broken" (due to changes on GC.com login page).

I have discovered your great app "GCzII Cachelist Downloader" which allows me to do geocaching again with my favorite HTC HD running Windows Mobile 6.x.

Could you please confirm the following behaviour I have noticed :
- GCzII CL does not support trackables inventory
- There is a limit in logs donwload (25 ?)
- The number of find / didn't find is always displayed at 0 in GCzII => is it a known bug ?

Many thank's for your answers and for this great app .
Autor jenda^^
#2 | Zasláno: 26 Říj 2011 23:42 | Změnil(a): jenda^^
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- I don't use trackables in GCzII, so I didn't implement this for now. But I'll hopefully solve this in next version.

- Yes, number of downloaded logs is set on 25 now. It is because of recent changes on GC.com. There are max. 25 logs in each cache listing page and others are loaded using javascript requests. It won't be difficult much to download more logs - I was just lazy to do it for now so I fixed it to work with those 25 at last

- I really don't know what do you mean. Where can I find this?

Thank you for posting.
Autor ldmexplorer
#3 | Zasláno: 27 Říj 2011 20:40
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Many thank's for the quick answer and more thank's for this software which allows me to perform 4 caches whith my loved GCzII today .

Ok for the first 2 points. Trackables would be nice but I'm not in an hurry .

To clarify the last point see screen capture (it's an old and "public" one => I can not do any PDA screen shot at the moment ) : http://www.zimagez.com/zimage/0041109.php. At the bottom right corner last GCzII version displays "Fx/Dy" where x is the number of logs of type "found" and y is the number of logs type "didn't find".

The very could feature of your app is that it downloads images like GczII did => maybe you can update the app presentation here : http://geosheep.4fan.cz/en/GCzII-CL-Downloader/ which wrongly states "This application only downloads informations required to create cachelist. If you want to download cache details and images too, you must open cachelist in GCzII and download it "manually" using Menu - Download All Caches.". The app is far much better now !

Best regards,

PS : are we in the "official" forum ? I didn't find anything elsewhere on the web nor in XDA. Maybe creating a new post in a well-known forum like XDA will help you great software to become more popular ?
Autor jenda^^
#4 | Zasláno: 27 Říj 2011 21:03
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Ahaaa! I've always thought that it's some kind of bug in translation
I'll check it out too

Yeah, you're right, I completely forgot to update this, so it is still description for the very first version. I'll rewrite it.

This is the official forum. It sends me e-mail when somebody posts a message, so I know about it immediately.
I don't have any topic on XDA. I posted links to my app to GCzII topic on XDA few times but I'm not sure if I can create my own topic because this app is not for mobile phones...

Thank you for help!
Autor ldmexplorer
#5 | Zasláno: 27 Říj 2011 23:02
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Great ! You're right for the XDA thread (it's a Windows -not mobile- app ).

I have created a Wiki and wrote some stuff in it to present your cool tool , could you have a look at http://geosheep.wikinet.org. You could create an account to edit content.

I'm not sure this free (but with adds) Wiki is the best solution ... maybe the content can be hosted somewhere else.

By the way I was wondering how to create/edit a Wiki ... it was interesting to make a "real" test for me . I will add a page with "features requests".
Autor ldmpexplorer
#6 | Zasláno: 31 Říj 2011 22:29
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Hello Jenda^^,

The Wiki has been launched to promote your great software which has became my PDA/GCzII best companion (see :
http://forum.xda-developers.com/showthread.php?p=18932379#post18932379). I named this Wiki "unofficial" because I didn't received any response from you (if you request it : all content can be removed ).

I've tried to find a workaround, without any development (I have no skills), to download caches nearby an other cache which is THE missing feature. The step by step "manual" procedure is also included in the Wiki.

Best regards,
Autor jenda^^
#7 | Zasláno: 31 Říj 2011 22:53
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Thank you. As you could see I really don't have much time and mood even to keep updated info on this small official website But it's nice that you made wiki with some guides and FAQs. I'll try to insert link somewhere to Downloader's download page.
Yea, and I tried to edit one paragraph - it was that you can't log "on the field" - I believe that it is not because of my Downloader but it's problem of "outdated" version of GCzII.

I don't think that there's any simple workaround to download nearby caches now but I'd like to add this feature in future too.
Autor ldmexplorer
#8 | Zasláno: 31 Říj 2011 23:46
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Ok thanks. You're right I made a mistake in the sentence "you can't log "on the field" ... may I was drunk when I wrote that => I will re-write because it's a pure GCzII issue not linked to the Downloader at all.

Hope the Wiki, the nb of downloads of your tool and the increasing nb of users will be an incentive for you to maintain and even make evolve your downloader .

By the way can we consider the Wiki as an official one (ie you will keep an eye on it) ?
Autor jenda^^
#9 | Zasláno: 1 Lis 2011 10:23 | Změnil(a): jenda^^
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Ok, I added link to your wiki to Downloader's rightside menu

Can I ask you how does Inventory work? I found some caches with inventory items in my GCzII, but if I click on inventory in there, it tells me that it must connect to internet (i.e. it won't work until GCzII is updated).
Autor ldmpexplorer
#10 | Zasláno: 1 Lis 2011 12:35
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Thanks for the link to the wiki . I have promoted the Wiki in some GCzII forums I use .

For the trackables we are faced to the hard work of "reverse Engineering" until GCzII link to GC.com is up again (maybe never ). I will try to find in my caches DB if I have some trackable datas examples to see how it works but my souvenirs are :
1. in cache description trackable boutton is black/bold (ie active)
2. when you click on it for the first time : an Internet connection is established to gather datas on trackables. Following clicks on the same button displays datas from GCzII DB cache.


PS : could you please contact me by e-mail (see my profil in the forum database) to exchange some attachments it will be more easy .
Autor jenda^^
#11 | Zasláno: 3 Lis 2011 17:44 | Změnil(a): jenda^^
Reagovat Citát
I released new version today. It can download trackables inventory, import caches nearby entered address and download more than 25 logs again!
GCzII Downloader [EN] geoSheep forum / GCzII Downloader [EN] / Could you please confirm some features ? Nahoru
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