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Error on Startup "Unxpected Error in Cachelist Downloader"

Autor Ingo
#1 | Zasláno: 5 Lis 2011 13:23 | Změnil(a): Ingo
When i start the App i get an Error

"Unexpected Error in Cachelist DownloaderSystem.Windows.Forms, Version"

It looks like that there is an incompatitibility of the .NET Framework.

If have a TyTN II with the CF 2 installed. Additional i have the CF 3.5 installed.

Can someone please help me?
Autor jenda^^
#2 | Zasláno: 5 Lis 2011 13:35
Hello and welcome!

Cachelist Downloader is software for desktop Windows. You can't run it on your mobile.
On desktop, you should have at least .NET Framework 3.5 installed.
Autor Ingo
#3 | Zasláno: 5 Lis 2011 13:46
Uups. Missunderstood. Sorry.

I've seen the picture of the Desktop-Screenshot.

But how can i download the caches when i am on the road??

Autor jenda^^
#4 | Zasláno: 5 Lis 2011 13:49
Only using GCzII... But it unfortunately doesn't work now, I know
Autor Ingo
#5 | Zasláno: 5 Lis 2011 13:57

If you are develop an app on the .NET Framework, the Compact Framework (Subset of the .NET Framework for the PC) is not that far away. So i think this app can work with some changes direct on the PDA.
Autor jenda^^
#6 | Zasláno: 5 Lis 2011 21:58 | Změnil(a): jenda^^
Yep, I know that and I made my geocaching.com parsing library to work on Compact Framework too. I did some experiments with it this evening and it worked flawlessly!

So maybe I'll try to add this functionality to my GCzII Tool one day
GCzII Downloader [EN] geoSheep forum / GCzII Downloader [EN] / Error on Startup "Unxpected Error in Cachelist Downloader" Nahoru
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