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GCzII Downloader [EN] geoSheep forum / GCzII Downloader [EN] /

No download of "Found_My"

Autor Micha_X1
#1 | Zasláno: 2 Led 2012 17:58
Hello Jenda,

first I wanna say thank you for this wonderful program. I'm very happy about this nice tool!

But in your newest version (0.6 build 4351) is a little bug. The programm doesn't download my already found caches, either when I set the checkbox (File - Settings - Found_My) or when I set it not. I earlier versions this feature was working.

Please can you fix it?

Thank you in advance!
Autor jenda^^
#2 | Zasláno: 8 Led 2012 22:07
Hmm... I'll look at it. Thanks for report!
Autor Micha_X1
#3 | Zasláno: 13 Úno 2012 02:46
Hello jenda,

have you someting? The error still exists.
Autor jenda^^
#4 | Zasláno: 13 Úno 2012 17:25 | Změnil(a): jenda^^
I know, I haven't updated Downloader yet. If you really need this, you can try to edit parsing.txt file and replace this line:


To this:


It should work too, but you'll have to revert it back as you'll want to hide found caches again.
Autor Micha_X1
#5 | Zasláno: 15 Úno 2012 11:12
Yes, thank you, this is working fine! I'm happy again
GCzII Downloader [EN] geoSheep forum / GCzII Downloader [EN] / No download of "Found_My" Nahoru
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