Many thank's for the quick answer and more thank's for this software which allows me to perform 4 caches whith my loved GCzII today
Ok for the first 2 points. Trackables would be nice but I'm not in an hurry
To clarify the last point see screen capture (it's an old and "public" one => I can not do any PDA screen shot at the moment
) :
http://www.zimagez.com/zimage/0041109.php. At the bottom right corner last GCzII version displays "Fx/Dy" where x is the number of logs of type "found" and y is the number of logs type "didn't find".
The very could feature of your app is that it downloads images like GczII did => maybe you can update the app presentation here :
http://geosheep.4fan.cz/en/GCzII-CL-Downloader/ which wrongly states "This application only downloads informations required to create cachelist. If you want to download cache details and images too, you must open cachelist in GCzII and download it "manually" using Menu - Download All Caches.". The app is far much better now !
Best regards,
PS : are we in the "official" forum ? I didn't find anything elsewhere on the web nor in XDA. Maybe creating a new post in a well-known forum like XDA will help you great software to become more popular ?